Psystrong Blog: The Strategic Leader

Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D. Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D.

So You're Successful, Now What?

For those who are fortunate enough to reach a “successful” finish line, it’s time to turn off the threat-detection system and sail into the sunset, right?

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Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D. Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D.

Flexible Leadership Post-Covid

…elite leaders understand how different leadership strategies fit different scenarios and are able to flexibly bounce between strategies when needed.

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Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D. Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D.


Luckily, leaders can reignite their passion and professional purpose.

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Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D. Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D.

Urgency vs. Importance

Our attachment to completing task lists with the imagined benefit that we can then relax, feel less stressed, or some other imagined outcome, is distorted.

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Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D. Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D.

Mindful Mission and Values

…slow down and evaluate whether or not your mission statement needs to be refined at this stage in your company's development.

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Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D. Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D.

Fast Growth Stress

Does your team thrive under your leadership? Do you have the skills needed to select and lead a fast growing group of team members?

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Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D. Robin Yeganeh, Ph.D.

Success and the Empty Cup

Achievement has not led to contentment. When asked to expand, as you might already be thinking, the metaphor explains why continued success doesn’t create fulfillment.

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