Mindful Mission and Values

Company aspirations and culture should be at the front of every leader’s mind. If you haven’t attended to these constructs for a span, as a mindfulness exercise, slow down and evaluate whether or not your mission statement needs to be refined at this stage in your company's development. Review your company’s mission and values with your leadership team. Discuss areas where your mission statement and company values directly align with current strategies and deliverables.

A company’s vision statement broadly describes what the organization will evolve into under the right guidance. The mission statement defines the company’s goals by differentiating the company from other organizations. A good mission statement describes what, how, and why your company does what it does. A values statement, on the other hand, is a compass for employee behavior.

Explore the value behaviors that link well with achievement of current objectives and those that might tie in more loosely. Catch and address habits that are antithetical to your values statement. Are you collecting behavioral data that exemplify company values? If not, decide what you should focus on in the months to come.

Finally, Decide if there are action items and initiatives in line with the mission that need attention. Remember that in order for vision, mission, and values statements to have maximum impact, they need to be integrated into the fabric of your organization. 


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